Characteristics of Effective Learning Pack

Characteristics of Effective Learning Pack

reward points

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Quick description

Confused by the Characteristics? This pack can help. It contains information about the Characteristics of Effective Learning, broken down in a way that is easy to absorb, as well as business tools, printable posters and activities.

More Information

What does ‘playing and exploring’ or ‘active learning’ or ‘creating and thinking critically’ actually mean that you are supposed to do?

By improving your understanding of what the COEL really mean, you can make a massive positive difference to children’s futures.

The COEL are in many ways, more important than many of the Learning and Development goals. The COEL are the characteristics that set children up for becoming learners for life. This affects how well children perform in school and even how successful they will be as adults.

This pack includes:

1. Training information about what the three Characteristics of Learning mean to you as a childminder.

2. Practical information and training activities for you to complete to help you improve how you promote the COEL in your setting. Including resources such as:

  • Giving children choices worksheet
  • COEL planning templates
  • How to write about the COEL in your learning journeys (if you use them) including a quiz you can do to test your understanding.
  • Worksheets and guidance to help you think about things like changing your language and bringing resources together in new ways.

3.  Lots of activities to promote the COEL to do with the children from birth upwards.

4. Business tools for childminders including:

  • A COEL checklist - everything you should and could be doing to promote the COEL in your setting.
  • Examples for your Self Evaluation
  • Information letter for parents - promoting the COEL in the children you look after will be a lot easier if you have the support of parents. This is a great way to demonstrate information-sharing.
  • Blank versions of some of the forms and sheets used in the training section
  • Reward Charts and certificates that ‘praise the process’ - These resources help you to praise the process rather than the finished result. When a child is working hard at something, concentrating, and persevering at a self-chosen task, they are exhibiting the COEL that will help them to succeed in school
  • Motivational Bookmark Templates
  • Printable COEL posters and displays
  • Activities and printable templates and sheets promoting the COEL
  • COEL Observation and planning templates - including planning sheets you can use to plan for activities, role play, topics and themes.


N.B This pack is supplied as a downloadable PDF document. If, once you have downloaded your product, you would prefer a Word version please contact and we will send you one. 

Products ARE NOT sent out by post.


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  • Reviews


    ‘My Ofsted went well.  She said my activity was the best one she’d ever seen as it was simple but covered all the areas of learning and COEL.  Thanks to your docs my COEL knowledge was fab, and she loved it.’  Thanks, Donna

    ‘I was very impressed with the pack. It broke the information down, so it was easy to absorb and clear how to put into practice. I learnt so much from it and it has improved my work in so many ways.’ Jenny 

    ‘Thank you for the COEL pack. I have purchased many of your e-learning packs and have found them to be invaluable, just as I have this one. I thought I fully understood both the Observations in the Areas of Learning and the COEL. However, having received your pack, I now feel that the COEL is much clearer, and I can now see just how important they are. I didn't realise we can use them in our observations in the way you demonstrate.’ Maria.

    ‘This has helped me understand the COEL so much better...thank you!!!’ Lizzie

    ‘Thank you this is amazing. I have recorded the time reading through it as CPD.’ Clare.